Co living Ambroise

Description: Transformation and renovation of an appartement building into a Co living house.
Type of project: Housing – Co living
Type of customer: Private
Department: Transformation and renovation
Location: Uccle, Brussels (BE)
Surface area:  m²
Year: 2020-2022
Contractor: MP Instal sprl
Stability engineers:  Verhelst engineers

Pictures:  Delphine Mathy

The AMBROISE project starts with a meeting between two buildings within the same plot: a Brussels house, with a very elaborate facade on the street frontage, and a warehouse with an industrial character inside the block.

Driven by a project that could keep this link, the owners engaged in a programmatic and spatial reflection aiming at creating links between the occupants, and allowing to increase their quality of life in the city.

By re-imagining and transforming the spaces of the front house within its existing boundaries, it was possible to create a 6-bedroom co-living space. The community has an important place in the project but the process starts with the quality of the private space, for which nothing has been neglected. Therefore, special attention is given to acoustics, materials and design. All the rooms have a generous surface, are accompanied by a shower room, a private toilet, an office corner and vintage furniture.

The top floor under the roof is a common space connected to a large terrace.

The choice of clay plaster for the interior walls, from BC Materials, offers a warm and sustainable character, providing an intimate and natural cocoon in the mineral context of the city.

The project echoes an eco-responsible approach.




Transformation of a car area in a green area 

Description: Multifuncional space, architecture atelier and a thematic urban garden 
Type of project: Social , Landscape
Type of customer: Private
Department: Transformation
Location: Forest, Brussels (BE)
Surface area: 400 m²
Year: 2022-now (under construction)

The Decoster project is the transformation of the disused sheds, offices and stables into an architectural atelier ; the transformation of garages into a multifuncional space. And finally the demolition of garages and the courtyard to install a thematic urban vegetable garden.

Some  non-profit organizations, schools and neighborhood associations are directly adjacent to our project, allowing us to consider a series of collaborations.

Passing from an entirely devoted  car area and totally mineralized to a common space mainly green, dedicated to its environment and to the interconnections that it could create, the site seems to us to bring an appreciable added value to the cour but also to the district.

As for the revaluation of the buildings, the objective in terms of architecture is to insert itself soberly into the existing buildings: To fit into the existing bays, to preserve the facade walls, the roof slopes. Restore the bricks both inside and outside, keep the structures as much as possible and reuse what can be reused. Enhance the few details of the façade work done on the old offices and restore everything that can and should be restored.




New student center in Brussels.

Description: Competition for a new student Center 

Collaboration: L’escaut (architecture), Les Marneurs (landscape), Ecores (circular economy),  Ney+PARTNERS, MK Engineering, Marbre d’ici, Match Mining
Type of project: Culture, Education
Type of customer: Public, BMA
Department: Renovation
Location: Place de la Reine, Brussels (BE)
Year: 2022

The Place de la Reine and the Maison des Arts stand side by side without meeting. The student pole project will be the kneecap of these two spaces, a transitional moment between a very mineral square and the green space of the Maison des Arts. Similarly, the flexibility of the opening and closing of the interior street is easily controlled at the two front and rear access doors without altering the circulation of students, the coworking zone or the event space’s potential users at late hours. Particular attention will be paid to this inclusive passage whose accessibility is made comfortable for all with these gentle slopes that naturally connect these two attractive poles.
This interstitial and landscaped walk will accompany visitors through the building.
An artistic intervention takes place in this interior street and tends to reflect the history of the place.
A visual relationship is established between the two spaces through this new open perspective and its generous ceiling height. The planting of the passageway and the square and the garden of house 14 constitute a landscaped path that allows the percolation of green spaces. The presence of vegetation within the project thus deploys a real landscape sequence, accompanying the visitor from the square, through the greened passage to the
The covered street is articulated like a backbone activated on both sides by the functions functions of the student center. The neighborhood counter feeds the contact with the street. On the garden side,
the kitchen enlivens the garden and accompanies the route to and from the Maison des Arts. These programs placed at both ends of the interior alley incense activity and social control naturally throughout the day. The positioning of the kitchen is even more ideal in the event of
The positioning of the kitchen is even more ideal in the event of a mutualisation with the kitchen of the Maison des Arts.
This place can be defined as hybrid, both urban and domestic. Free of any programmatic constraints, this place will be conducive to the birth of informal exchanges and meetings.




A new cultural center for Schaerbeek 

Description: transformation of the Elite cinema and Scarabaeus theatre into a new socio-cultural facility in collaboration with l’Escaut 
Type of project: Cultural
Type of customer: Public
Department: Transformation and renovation
Location: Schaerbeek, Brussels (BE)
Year: 2019-2020

In the historic heart of Schaerbeek,the project consists of the transformation of the former Elite cinema and Scarabaeus theatre into a new socio-cultural facility accessible to all and open to its neighbourhood. The project involves the renovation, reconstruction and extension of an old cinema, a theatre and a tenement building with a view to creating a new facility with stage areas, adaptable spaces for various cultural and social activities, as well as technical and administrative areas. 

Ancienne Belgique

Ancienne Belgique



Description: Renovation and transformation of a cultural building
Type of project: Culture
Type of customer: Public
Department: Renovation
Location: Brussels (BE)
Surface area: 1.400 m²
Year: 2020 – ongoing